The Ideal Shades that Residential Painters Would Suggest for Guest Room

Residential Painting Brisbane

People have a propensity of not paying much heed to the guest room colour, on the grounds that it is not always used and put into use, when the family is visited by guest(s). They are wrong. Your guest room is not a granny flat where you can take a different concept while painting. It’s very much a part of your home and you need to take the same conceptual approach while painting it as you take to paint the rest of your home. Now all said and done, there are certain shades that will be appropriate for your guest house. Let us take a dig at it.

Opting for White

painter man at work with a paint roller picture

White is one of the most obvious shades for the guest house. It is serene and has a pious look and feel, and it is next to none in casting senere spell on the psyche of the inhabitant(s) of the room. Besides, it makes the room pretty inviting and hence, is one of the favourite shades of the professionals conducting residential painting in Brisbane or anywhere else. Also, the fact that white helps the room to wear a neutral look and feel making selection of furniture and fittings trifle easier. Thus, it is a great idea to paint the guest room white, as it will add a tinge of serenity and increase the curb appeal by manifold.

Turning Towards Grey

man painting interior of home picture

If white is the epitome of serenity, a quarter of a shade less than white, which will be quintessentially grey will be no less appealing than white. Grey is a very common shade for guest rooms as well, as it is gentle, subtle and as inviting as white. Thus, the residential painters in Brisbane would quip that grey would help the guests feel at ease and have a gentle state of mind, during the stay at your home.

And there is another catch. Experts also believe that grey works excellent for offices and hence, in case you have plans to convert your guest room into your home office, grey is the best shade to opt for.

Do Not Mind Opting for Light Green

freshly painted green room picture

Of late, light green has become an extremely popular shade for the guest rooms. Generally, people would like to make the guest room of their home as appealing as they can, without really turning to something that is overpowering. Light green, from that point of view is an astounding choice as it is a cheerful colour, which gives the room a serene and visually comforting look and feel. Light green is one of the smartest of choices, as it will tap the aspects of nature, subtly, and that will make all the difference to the mental setup of your guest.

Sprucing the Room Up With Navy Blue

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Well, it may appear to be an add choice as it is a shade darker than the conventional guest room colours, and it is a much more powerful colour that the ones you come across in the guest room. However, the experts in a reputable painting company in Brisbane will quip that it will give the guests a feeling of tranquillity. Strike a combo of navy blue and white. It will be awe-inspiring.

So, there are so many shades to look for, to paint your guest room. Hire Setex Group as we will come up with many more exciting painting ideas for your guest room. Call us now to fix an appointment.