Today, we are going to discuss how professionals apply wall rendering. This discussion will basically give you an overview of the process and will be of help, especially if you are planning to render the walls of your property and make them resistant to water.
The rendering process used by professionals in Brisbane is the standardised one that is followed by specialists worldwide. Anyway, without delaying anymore, let us delve into the procedure.
Surface Preparation
The first step of wall rendering in Brisbane is similar to that of the painting process. Here, the professionals will first remove the paint, plaster and other loose materials that might prevent render bonding. In addition, the professionals will also remove mortar from the wall.
Next, the professionals will move to the application of premium adhesives that will help the render adhere to it. After that, they will wet the surface with a brush on which the render will be applied.
Render Mixing
In this step, the professionals will mix the render with water. To do this, they will be taking advantage of a wheelbarrow.
The renderers will be mixing the render thoroughly making sure that the render stays free of lump and is stiff enough so that it can be applied to the walls with the help of a trowel
After the initial mix, the professionals will wait a few minutes so that the chemicals get activated. Then, they will stir it again before applying it to the wall.
Applying the Wall Render
Now, the renderers assigned by the company providing wall rendering services in Brisbane will apply the mixture to the wall using the steel trowel.
While applying the render, they will use an upward pushing motion. They will also make sure that they are filling all the holes in the walls. Besides, they will be applying long spreads since this helps achieve evenness.
The render should be kept as it is for at least 3 days so that it can get fully dry. Only then can water resistance be fully achieved.
Completing the Rendering Process
After the wall renderers in Brisbane complete the initial coat, they will complete the rest of the job by adding one last layer of the mixture.
To achieve smoothness, they will use a polystyrene float or a wooden trowel. Moreover, these tools also help achieve the desired texture and wall finish.
Prevent Cracks on the Render
Now that all the important steps of wall rendering have been followed, the renderers will follow a specific procedure to prevent cracks from appearing on the wall.
They will be applying a mist spray a day after the rendering is completed. They will repeat this process after 5 days. Apart from this, to protect the rendered wall from direct sunlight, they might use a plastic sheet as a covering. They will do so because sunlight can lead to moisture loss which can lead to cracks.
Painting the Render
The main steps for rendering are now complete but painting the render is an optional step.
This too is provided by the Brisbane rendering service providers. So, if you want to make your look visually stunning, you can ask them to paint the same for you.
Book an Appointment Now
Call us at Setex Group to discuss a home or office rendering project. For questions, you can send us an email.